Hello all. Its been a crazy busy last couple of months and I know I'm overdue for a new post. I haven't been very good lately about documenting the bonsai work I've been doing because there has been so much of it,but that'll get better in the coming weeks. At the end of May I had the pleasure of attending the Santa Anita Bonsai Society's annual bonsai show and thought it would be nice to share some of the trees with everyone. Unfortunately I lost my notes , so I don't know who owns which tree but I'll share some of the images with you anyhow.
First up is a beautiful very natural looking multi trunk Chinese Elm.
Next is a Coast Redwood with lots of jin and shari.
Here we have a Japanese Maple Forest Planting on a stone slab.
The next photo is a formal upright Cryptomeria.
Below is an old Bougainvillea with an amazing twisted trunk collected from a garden.
Next is an old Cork Bark Elm
This is a old Procumbins Nana Juniper in the raft style.
Then we have a Catlin Elm group planting.
Here was the tree voted best of show, a formal upright Bald Cypress
A California Juniper .
An old broom style Catlin Elm.
Here we have a semi cascade Chinese Elm.
Next is a beautiful shohin display that I believe won the best small tree display award. From left to right-an Olive, Prostrate Juniper, Zelkova, narrow leafed Ficus and some type
of ivy.
And last is an old Star Jasmine collected from a garden.
These are only a sample of the trees displayed. I think they show that bonsai is alive and well in southern California. With so many talented artists showcasing their works its easy to be inspired. Congratulations to the Santa Anita Bonsai Society for putting on a fantastic show.
I hope you enjoyed the images. The next posting will be part 2 of the Juniper project so stay tuned. As always I welcome any comments, questions or suggestions.