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Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Small leaf olives

Today's post is going to deal with a couple of small leaved Olive trees. The first tree is about 15 years old and was developed by judicious use and pruning of sacrifice branches to build up this massive trunk. The width at the base is 5 inches and the height is 10 inches. The first picture shows the tree after almost a years worth of mostly unchecked growth.

After a really good trimming the essence of the tree really start to reveal itself.

The trimming also revealed the fact that the pot was too deep. I really like the shape and was lucky enough to have one with the same shape but half the depth.

I think the new pot really shows off the massive trunk.

The second tree is also about fifteen years old and was also developed by judicious use and cutting of sacrifice branches only this time as multiple trunks.  This style is known as a Kabudachi or turtle back or stump style.

The first photo again shows the trees after a period of unchecked growth.

Here is the bonsai after several hours of pruning.

These trees are a good example of the variety that can be found in a single species of tree.

I hope that you enjoyed today's post and as always I welcome any and all comments.

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